Sept 21

👉🏽 Despite the fact that just before PM Netanyahu’s meeting with US President Biden, Likud ministers, including Likud Foreign Affairs and Defense Yuli Edelstein and Likud former ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, warned Netanyahu against making concessions to Saudi Arabia; a nuclear Saudi Arabia was discussed in the Biden-Netanyahu meeting, and according to today’s Wall Street Journal, PM Netanyahu told Israeli security expert to cooperate with US negotiators on a “US-run uranium enrichment operation”. Fox News is reporting that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman said that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia will follow suit.

👉🏽 Bibi was finally invited to White House.

👉🏽 Jewish Power National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s director general Shlomo Ben Eliyahu resigned. YNet said Eliyahu was tired of Ben Gvir’s interest in headlines at the expense of the police and the prison service, but other sources said it was for personal reasons.

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