
Groups and organizations to follow:

IsraelMachar offers daily updates on the ongoing situation, judicial overviews, and fact-checking of Israeli politicians.

USA for Israeli Democracy is a grass-roots group focused on US-based actions to support democracy in Israel.  Through advocacy, education, support for organizations working on the ground in Israel, and empowering member actions in the US, we stand with the majority of Israel's population in opposition to the proposed judicial overhaul.

UnXeptable is a grassroots movement launched by Israeli expats in support of a democratic Israel.  They call on world Jewry to unite to preserve the democratic identity of Israel as the home of all Jewish people.

Shomrim al Habayit is the group leading the demonstrations in front of the President's House in Jerusalem every Saturday night.  Politically unaffiliated, uniting right and left, secular and religious, Jews and Arabs, joining together against the judicial overhaul.  Join the English-language Whatsapp  

An Israeli legal piece on Unreasonableness:

Israel’s Recent “Unreasonableness Amendment” and its Implications
In this memo the Israeli Law Professors’ Forum for Democracy explains the “Unreasonableness Amendment,” which was enacted by the Israeli Knesset on July 24th, 2023, its meaning, and the coming steps. 1. What is the “Unreasonableness Amendment” Despite the mass public protests, the objection…