July 31

Monday, July 31
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฝ Buzz is that on Aug 6, a group of army moms is leading a protest at Bakum to protest the fact that as a result of the most recent proposed legislation, soldiers will be liable for prosecution at the Hague, while Haredi yeshiva students will be enjoying army benefits with impunity. โ€œIf you donโ€™t send your children, we wonโ€™t send ours either!โ€ Details: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KIKxvJB6Q4W0PWi1k9Kx6T

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฝ The US House of Representatives has introduced a resolution calling for Israeli democracy.https://schakowsky.house.gov/media/press-releases/schakowsky-kuster-introduce-resolution-support-pro-democracy-movement-israel

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฝ There is some question about whether the new reasonableness bill just passed will expose IDF soldiers (and perhaps former soldiers as well?) to criminal prosecution internationally, including in The Hague. (The claim is that the Prime Minister just before the reasonableness vote, refused to hear the IDF security concerns; that was the requested military chief Herzi Halevi meeting that was repeatedly rejected by PM Netanyahu.)


YNet reporting that Opposition leader Yair Lapid would sit with Likud, but only without PM Netanyahu: โ€œThat would be the death of decency.โ€


Likudโ€™s Tally Gotliv floated the idea of passing leadership on judicial reform to Likudโ€™s Yariv Levin, because of PM Netanyahuโ€™s conflict of interest agreement that technically prevents him from such leadership. โ€œNetanyahu himself, as I have already repeated and made clear again and again, puts the reform at the end of his list of priorities โ€” the reform is not on the table,โ€ Gotliv said. She added, โ€œI am not sending a messageโ€ (but she said this to several media outlets.)


Haaretz is reporting that the Knesset spent $100,000+ on four coffee machines, including a $20,000 model that is in Likud Knesset Speaker Amir Ohanaโ€™s office. #Priorities
