August 28 - Week #34

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Ynet reporting that the quality of recruits to the police force is at an all-time low: Training has dropped from 28 to just seven weeks, and police have requested an additional three million shekels in funds to teach basic Hebrew literacy to many candidates. A former police official is quoted as saying: β€œThe system recruits people it previously did not even glance at. More than that - it actively appeals to people who were rejected two or three years ago, and asks them to apply again.” Senior police officers said unequivocally that shortening the police course so significantly is a fatal blow to the training, particularly when the candidates have lower abilities.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Likud, polling at all time low, warns Coalition partners against bringing down the government over Supreme Court issues, Maariv reports. The haredi bill enshrining military draft exemptions is expected to set off more protests.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Israel has the highest cost of living in the OECD, at 38% higher than the OECD average.